Tinoxin 100mg/100mg Suspension

₹ 27.25
30 ml Suspension

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Introduction To Tinoxin 100mg/100mg Suspension

Tinoxin 100mg/100mg Suspension is a prescription medicine used to treat stomach and intestinal infections that cause diarrhoea. It consists of two antimicrobial drugs: norfloxacin and tinidazole, which work together to treat diarrhoea, vomiting, and painful stomach cramps. This medication is usually prescribed for dysentery, amebiasis, giardiasis and other microbial infections.

Tinoxin 100mg/100mg Suspension should be taken as advised by your doctor. It is best to take them whole after your meal with plenty of fluids to avoid stomach discomfort. To prevent adverse effects, take it as per your doctor’s prescription. Do not discontinue taking this medicine even if you feel better.

The common side effects of Tinoxin 100mg/100mg Suspension include nausea, tiredness, dry mouth with a metallic taste and headache. They typically last for a short period and should not be of any concern.

Tinoxin 100mg/100mg Suspension is contraindicated for people with a history of liver diseases, renal failure, nerve disorders, and allergies to either norfloxacin or tinidazole. Always let your doctor know of any health conditions you might have. Generally, this combination drug is considered safe for most people.

Uses of Tinoxin 100mg/100mg Suspension

Tinoxin 100mg/100mg Suspension is a combination medicine used in the treatment of diarrhoea caused by stomach and intestinal infections. It helps reduce the main symptoms of gastric infections, such as stomach pain, diarrhoea (loose stools, bloody stools), vomiting, and painful stomach cramps. This medication is usually prescribed for dysentery, amebiasis, giardiasis and other microbial infections such as Trichomoniasis.

This medication consists of 2 active ingredients: norfloxacin and tinidazole. They act as antimicrobial drugs and kill/halt the growth of infective agents such as protozoa, parasites and anaerobic bacteria.

Tinoxin 100mg/100mg Suspension is prescribed to patients with severe diarrhoea due to an infection either in the stomach or colon. It quickly enters the body and removes the microbes causing the infection and diarrhoea. The excess water loss is mitigated by giving fluids to the person until the risk of dehydration is avoided.

How Tinoxin 100mg/100mg Suspension works

Tinoxin 100mg/100mg Suspension is a combination of two antimicrobial drugs: an antibiotic and an antiprotozoal. Both, when administered together, kill the harmful bacteria and protozoan parasites that cause the infection in the gastrointestinal tract.

Tinoxin 100mg/100mg Suspension includes two active ingredients: norfloxacin and tinidazole. Let’s look at what they do individually to understand how they work when combined.

Norfloxacin, simply put, is an antibiotic. It comes under the class of antibiotic drugs called fluoroquinolones. They work as broad-spectrum drugs (which means they are functional against a wide range of bacteria) and are used to kill both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria.

The way norfloxacin works is by preventing the bacterial cells from multiplying. It functions by blocking/inhibiting certain enzymes within the cell, such as DNA gyrase, type II topoisomerase, and topoisomerase IV enzymes. These enzymes are necessary for the separation of bacterial DNA, which is crucial for cell division.

Tinidazole is a nitroimidazole antimicrobial. It works against both parasites (protozoans) and anaerobic bacteria. The mechanism of action involves the activation of this drug by the enzymes the microbes produce; upon activation, certain toxic compounds are formed, which are harmful to the cells of these microbes. This results in the damage of proteins, membranes and the DNA found inside the cell.

Tinidazole is used to treat trichomoniasis (an STD caused by Trichomonas vaginalis), giardiasis (a diarrheal disease caused by Giardia duodenalis), and amebiasis (an intestinal infection caused by Entamoeba histolytica) - all protozoal infections.


Take Tinoxin 100mg/100mg Suspension as prescribed by your doctor for the exact duration. Do not discontinue the usage of this medicine even if you feel better. Take this medicine as a whole with ample water. Do not chew or crush. You may take it after food to reduce the chances of stomach upset. You may feel slightly sleepy/drowsy after taking this medication.

Take any missed medication as soon as you recall if you have missed a dose. If it is time for your next dose, ignore the missed dose and continue with the next one. To compensate for a missed dose, avoid taking twice the amount.

If you experience signs like itchy skin, swollen face or difficulty breathing, contact your doctor or seek medical attention at the nearest hospital.

Safety Advice

Tinoxin 100mg/100mg Suspension is not recommended for people with severe liver/kidney diseases, colitis, nerve-related problems and allergies to either norfloxacin or tinidazole. Always let your doctor know of any health conditions you might have.


Can I take Tinoxin 100mg/100mg Suspension if I’m pregnant?


Can I take Tinoxin 100mg/100mg Suspension if I’m breastfeeding?


Is drinking alcohol while taking Tinoxin 100mg/100mg Suspension safe?


Can I drive after taking Tinoxin 100mg/100mg Suspension?

Drug interactions

Drug-Food interaction

Consumption of alcohol is not recommended while taking Tinoxin 100mg/100mg Suspension because it may cause severe adverse effects. Avoid consuming dairy products within 2 hours of taking this medication. It is best to avoid caffeine products as well.

Drug-Disease interaction

Tinoxin 100mg/100mg Suspension may not be given to people with central nervous system disorders to avoid side effects like tremors, anxiety, restlessness and hallucinations. This medication is contraindicated for people with colitis (inflammatory disease of the colon), neurological disorders and severe kidney and liver diseases.

Drug-Drug interaction

Consult your doctor if you are currently taking the following medicines: cardiac glycoside (digoxin), caffeine, blood thinners (warfarin), immunosuppressant (cyclosporine) antiepileptics (phenobarbital, phenytoin), antihyperlipidemic drugs (atorvastatin) and medicines to treat chronic alcoholism (disulfiram). After taking Tinidazole, one of the ingredients in Tinoxin 100mg/100mg Suspension, it is recommended to wait at least 14 days before taking a cholera vaccine.

Drug-Drug Interactions Checker List:

Digoxin Caffeine Warfarin Cyclosporine Phenobarbital Phenytoin Atorvastatin Disulfiram

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What is Tinoxin 100mg/100mg Suspension’s content?

Tinoxin 100mg/100mg Suspension consists of two antimicrobial drugs: norfloxacin and tinidazole, which work together to treat diarrhoea, vomiting, and painful stomach cramps.

Q. Is Tinoxin 100mg/100mg Suspension for loose motion?

Yes, Tinoxin 100mg/100mg Suspension is used to treat stomach and intestinal infections that present with loose stools, bloody stools and diarrhoea. This medication stops and prevents loose motions.

Q. What is Tinoxin 100mg/100mg Suspension used for?

Tinoxin 100mg/100mg Suspension is an antimicrobial medicine used to treat diarrhoea and stomach pain caused by gastrointestinal infections like dysentery, amebiasis and giardiasis.

Q. Can Tinoxin 100mg/100mg Suspension be used for constipation?

No, Tinoxin 100mg/100mg Suspension is an antimicrobial medicine used in the treatment of diarrhoea. It can not be used to treat constipation. It works by killing parasites and bacteria present in our GIT.

Q. What are the side effects of Tinoxin 100mg/100mg Suspension?

The common side effects of Tinoxin 100mg/100mg Suspension include nausea, tiredness, dry mouth with a metallic taste and a mild headache. Contact your doctors if problems persist.

Q. Should I take Tinoxin 100mg/100mg Suspension before food or after?

Tinoxin 100mg/100mg Suspension can be taken with or without food. To reduce its side effects, take them after food, and avoid dairy products and caffeinated drinks.

Q. Can I stop taking Tinoxin 100mg/100mg Suspension when my symptoms are relieved?

Tinoxin 100mg/100mg Suspension includes an antibiotic medicine; thus, this therapy should not be stopped when you feel better. Complete the course as per your doctor’s instruction.


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