Kaptragin MR 250 mg/50 mg/325 mg Tablet

₹ 17.12
Kaptab Pharmaceuticals
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Introduction To Kaptragin MR 250 mg/50 mg/325 mg Tablet

Kaptragin MR 250 mg/50 mg/325 mg Tablet is a widely prescribed combination medicine used to treat musculoskeletal pain due to muscle cramps or tissue injury. It works by relaxing the muscles, blocking the pain signals and reducing the inflammation in the affected area.

It consists of three active ingredients: chlorzoxazone, diclofenac and paracetamol. Chlorzoxazone relaxes the muscles and reduces stiffness; diclofenac and paracetamol act as painkillers.

Kaptragin MR 250 mg/50 mg/325 mg Tablet should be taken as advised by your doctor. Take them with your meals with ample water to avoid stomach discomfort. To prevent side effects, take it precisely as per your prescription.

Side effects of Kaptragin MR 250 mg/50 mg/325 mg Tablet are usually minor and should not be of any concern. You may experience drowsiness, loss of appetite, stomach pain, heartburn, nausea, vomiting and weakness for a short period.

This medicine is contraindicated for people with stomach ulcers, liver diseases and allergies to chlorzoxazone, diclofenac, and paracetamol. Always let your doctor know of any health conditions you might have. Generally, this combination drug is considered safe for most people.

Uses of Kaptragin MR 250 mg/50 mg/325 mg Tablet

Kaptragin MR 250 mg/50 mg/325 mg Tablet is a combination medicine used to treat musculoskeletal pain due to muscle cramps or tissue injury. It works by relaxing the muscles, blocking the pain signals and reducing the inflammation in the affected area.

This muscle relaxant, coupled with two analgesics, is often prescribed to people with arthritis, spondylitis and general musculoskeletal injuries. It is also used after surgeries to decrease swelling and inflammation.

Kaptragin MR 250 mg/50 mg/325 mg Tablet can be prescribed generally for any moderate pain you might experience in your muscles and joints and is highly effective at quickly relieving pain and internal signs of injury.

How Kaptragin MR 250 mg/50 mg/325 mg Tablet works

Kaptragin MR 250 mg/50 mg/325 mg Tablet includes three active ingredients: chlorzoxazone, diclofenac and paracetamol. The three medicines combined together provide a muscle-relaxing effect (by chlorzoxazone) to the person while also reducing inflammation (done by diclofenac) and pain (by acetaminophen/paracetamol)

Chlorzoxazone is a muscle relaxant used to treat acute muscle pain resulting from muscle spasms. It is a centrally acting drug that can be administered for sudden pain in and for muscle contraction headaches. It lowers the reflexes, thereby relaxing the muscles to ease the pain.

Diclofenac is a non-selective non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) and phenylacetic acid derivative. As it is an NSAID, it reduces pain and inflammation without the harmful side effects of corticosteroids. It is used in the treatment of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, along with other musculoskeletal disorders, since it is a potent anti-inflammatory medicine.

Paracetamol, also known as acetaminophen, is a non-narcotic analgesic-antipyretic agent. It reduces both pain and fever while also not being a habit-forming drug that alters the mental state of the patient. It comes with fewer side effects than its more potent counterpart, diclofenac.

Acetaminophen intoxication is, however, a serious condition in which too much paracetamol is in your body, leading to hepatotoxicity (acute hepatic necrosis) and rarely renal tubular necrosis.


Always take Kaptragin MR 250 mg/50 mg/325 mg Tablet medicine as prescribed by your doctor. Don't exceed the recommended dosage. Take this medicine as a whole with ample water; do not chew or crush. You may take this medicine with your meals to reduce the side effects.

If you forget to take this medication, take it as soon as you remember. If it is time for your next dose, ignore the one you missed and continue with the next. To compensate for a missed dose, avoid taking twice the amount.

Taking more than the prescribed dose of Kaptragin MR 250 mg/50 mg/325 mg Tablet over a long period may lead to overdose and intoxication. If you experience signs like a change in the urine colour or severe abdominal pain, you may contact your doctor or visit the nearest hospital.

Safety Advice

Kaptragin MR 250 mg/50 mg/325 mg Tablet is not safe for people with liver diseases, bleeding disorders and allergies to the active ingredients of this medication. Always let your doctor know of any health conditions you might have. Generally, this medicine is considered safe for most people.

sdsPregnancyConsult doctor

Can I take Kaptragin MR 250 mg/50 mg/325 mg Tablet if I’m pregnant?

sdsBreastfeedingConsult doctor

Can I take Kaptragin MR 250 mg/50 mg/325 mg Tablet if I’m breastfeeding?


Is drinking alcohol while taking Kaptragin MR 250 mg/50 mg/325 mg Tablet safe?


Can I drive after taking Kaptragin MR 250 mg/50 mg/325 mg Tablet?

Drug interactions

Drug-Food interaction

The consumption of alcohol, coffee, tea and other caffeinated drinks while taking Kaptragin MR 250 mg/50 mg/325 mg Tablet is not recommended since the side effects, such as drowsiness, may worsen.

Drug-Disease interaction

Kaptragin MR 250 mg/50 mg/325 mg Tablet might be contraindicated (unsafe) for people with phenylketonuria, alcoholism, bleeding disorders, liver problems, stomach ulcers, or if you're allergic to the active ingredients of this medication.

Drug-Drug interaction

It is not recommended to take Kaptragin MR 250 mg/50 mg/325 mg Tablet with Benzodiazepines (diazepam). The following drugs interact with Kaptragin MR 250 mg/50 mg/325 mg Tablet, resulting in either reduced efficacy or side effects: pain medications (tramadol, aspirin, naproxen, ibuprofen, hydrocodone, oxycodone), anti-hypertensive drugs (lisinopril, hydrochlorothiazide), anticoagulants (warfarin, rivaroxaban), anti-depressant (duloxetine), H2 receptor antagonist (cimetidine), and corticosteroids (prednisone).

Drug-Drug Interactions Checker List:

Prednisone Diazepam Warfarin Rivaroxaban Hydrochlorothiazide Lisinopril Oxycodone Hydrocodone Ibuprofen Naproxen Aspirin Tramadol

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What is Kaptragin MR 250 mg/50 mg/325 mg Tablet’s content?

Kaptragin MR 250 mg/50 mg/325 mg Tablet includes three ingredients: Chlorzoxazone (for relaxing the muscles), diclofenac (to reduce inflammation and pain) and paracetamol (to reduce pain).

Q. Can the use of Kaptragin MR 250 mg/50 mg/325 mg Tablet cause dizziness?

Kaptragin MR 250 mg/50 mg/325 mg Tablet can cause dizziness as it is a common side effect. Lay down and take rest, and if it persists for too long, avoid taking the next dose and contact your doctor.

Q. Can I stop taking Kaptragin MR 250 mg/50 mg/325 mg Tablet when my pain is relieved?

It is perfectly safe to stop using Kaptragin MR 250 mg/50 mg/325 mg Tablet once the pain is gone. If you have a severe injury or a disorder, it is better to stop when your doctors advise you to stop.

Q: What are the side effects of Kaptragin MR 250 mg/50 mg/325 mg Tablet tablet?

Kaptragin MR 250 mg/50 mg/325 mg Tablet comes with side effects like tiredness, heartburn, stomach upset and dry mouth. Seek medical attention if you see signs like yellow skin or pale stools.

Q. What is the use of Kaptragin MR 250 mg/50 mg/325 mg Tablet?

Kaptragin MR 250 mg/50 mg/325 mg Tablet is used to treat muscle and joint pain caused by injuries, muscle spasms and conditions like arthritis. It is a combination medicine that relieves pain and relaxes the muscles.

Q. Is Kaptragin MR 250 mg/50 mg/325 mg Tablet a painkiller?

Kaptragin MR 250 mg/50 mg/325 mg Tablet is partly a painkiller since it contains paracetamol, an analgesic (medication for pain) and diclofenac, an NSAID (medication for inflammation and pain).

Learn more

  1. Diclofenac and gastric ulcers

Diclofenac, one of the three ingredients in Kaptragin MR 250 mg/50 mg/325 mg Tablet, is a COX-1 and COX-2 inhibitor. In gastric mucosa, COX-1 is responsible for the synthesis of PGE2 and PGI2, which is responsible for the increase of bicarbonate and mucus secretion, maintaining adequate blood flow to mucosa and reduction of gastric acid and pepsin secretion.

Since diclofenac inhibits COX-1 or Cyclooxygenase-1, it adversely affects the health of the stomach lining and causes gastrointestinal ulceration.

That is why the dose of Kaptragin MR 250 mg/50 mg/325 mg Tablet is adjusted for patients with pre-existing gastric ulcers. An overdose for a prolonged period causes gastric ulcers in patients with a perfectly healthy stomach lining.

  1. Why the combination: Paracetamol and Diclofenac?

Paracetamol is a decent analgesic, which means it reduces mild to moderate pain effectively in most cases. It is, however, ineffective at reducing inflammation. That is why it is combined with diclofenac, a potent non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug that prioritises effectiveness over specificity since it inhibits both COX-1 and COX-2.

Thus this combination is used to relieve pain in patients suffering from injury or arthritis since these cases involve not only pain but also severe inflammation.


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